Use the Bannerbear Zapier integration to join video clips in your zaps
With the Bannerbear Zapier integration you can quickly set up a zap to join video clips in just a few clicks, no coding required.
Simply set up a template, connect Bannerbear to your Zapier account and create a zap that sends image and text data to Bannerbear.
Zapier TutorialsKnowledge Base articles on how to join video clips with Zapier
When you're generating PDFs in bulk, manual storage can be costly and inefficient. Fortunately, you can store as you go by automatically saving links to Airtable. Read this article to learn how to automate this process without code.
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As an open-source tool, FFmpeg provides a wide array of functions for handling media files. Let's learn how to use FFmpeg to edit videos programmatically, including trimming, merging, adding subtitles, etc.
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