Use the Bannerbear Zapier integration to add watermarks to videos in your zaps
With the Bannerbear Zapier integration you can quickly set up a zap to add watermarks to videos in just a few clicks, no coding required.
Simply set up a template, connect Bannerbear to your Zapier account and create a zap that sends image and text data to Bannerbear.
Zapier TutorialsKnowledge Base articles on how to add watermarks to videos with Zapier
When you're generating PDFs in bulk, manual storage can be costly and inefficient. Fortunately, you can store as you go by automatically saving links to Airtable. Read this article to learn how to automate this process without code.
Cloud storage services differ in terms of delivery, security, configurability, and pricing. Here's how to compare your options and choose the best for your image and video automation needs.
Posting a mix of original and user-generated content, including properly credited reposts, can be an effective social media strategy for media companies to engage with their audience and keep their feed dynamic and interesting. Let's learn how to streamline this process using Bannerbear in Node.js!
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