API keys are a type of authorization that Bannerbear uses to grant access to the service. These keys must be included in all API requests.
There are two types of API Keys available:
These grant access to specific projects and can be found on the Settings / API Key page within the project you want access to. They allow complete access and interaction on a project level (e.g. creating templates, images, videos, gifs, etc...)
They're also required for integrating Bannerbear with platforms such as Zapier, Make, and other such tools.
These can be used instead of Project API keys and allows a higher level of access to your account. They're useful for when you want to dynamically create new projects or interact with any project using a single API key.
Types of Master API keys:
To use the Full Access Master API Key for standard endpoints, you need to add a project_id parameter to your requests.
For more info on retrieving the project_id, check out our article on What are Projects and the API Documentation for additional reference.
Sample payload: