Articles tagged with API

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5 Ways to Make an HTTP Request in Javascript

There are several ways to make an HTTP request using Javascript depending on the requirements of your application. This article covers some of most popular ways.

How to Add Auto-Generated Custom Open Graph Images to Webflow Using Bannerbear

Post more effectively by fully utilizing the Open Graph image feature with auto-generated custom images that help your audience process information faster.

How to Add Auto-Generated Custom Open Graph Images to WordPress Using Bannerbear

Drive more traffic to your WordPress website for free with eye-catching custom Open Graph images that are generated dynamically.

How to Set Your Notion To-do List as Desktop Wallpaper Automatically (Free Notion Template)

Populate your desktop wallpaper with your to-do list in Notion automatically using Notion API, Bannerbear API, and some Node.js scripts.

How to Add a Dynamic Watermark to Puppeteer Screenshots Using Bannerbear (Part 2: Full-page)

This tutorial shows you how to add a dynamic watermark automatically using Bannerbear when Puppeteer takes a full-page screenshot.

How to Add a Dynamic Watermark to Puppeteer Screenshots Using Bannerbear

Adding a dynamic watermark with extra information to similar screenshots can help you to manage them easier. This tutorial shows you how to do it with Bannerbear.

What Is a CORS Error and How to Fix It (3 Ways)

A CORS error is common when making an HTTP request to another origin. You can get rid of it using one of the solutions shown in this article.

5 Common API Mistakes to Avoid

Sometimes, we fail to identify the cause of an error because we could overlook tiny mistakes. To reduce frustration, here are 5 common API mistakes you could avoid.

5 Image APIs You Can Use for Your Next Project in 2022 (2024 Update)

Image APIs make the production of visual content so much easier and here are 5 different types of image APIs you should try in 2022.

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