4 Helpful B2B Marketing Automation Hacks to Scale Your Business

Here are 4 hacks that will help you scale your business by using marketing automation workflows
by Tamryn Mounier ·


    Growing a business is both exciting and nerve-wracking. After all, the more your business grows, the more responsibilities and tasks are lined up on a checklist.

    Moreover, as a business grows the responsibility list can quickly become daunting and intimidating. This is where marketing automation steps in to save time and resources.

    First things first, what is marketing automation? In short, marketing automation is the process of creating workflows that streamline software actions to automatically trigger a new set of events.

    👀 Click on these articles to learn more about marketing automation and tips for beginners.

    Now, you might ask yourself why should I use automation for my marketing processes?

    In a nutshell, automation can:

    👉 Save time on routine tasks

    👉 Solve for role responsibilities and automate tasks that take up time

    👉 Create personalized workflows for each customer depending on their needs

    👉 Promote material 24/7 on social media without having to create templates and constantly click “upload".

    A word of caution.

    I do want to be clear, marketing automation is a great way to complement your marketing strategies, but it should not be running your whole marketing department.

    Bear Tip 🐻 In fact, automation is a fantastic resource to store and understand data. However, it is up to the marketer to analyze the data and use the insights to create workflows for their ideal target market needs.

    With that being said, here are 4 helpful B2B marketing automation hacks that will help you grow your company without the stress of a checklist.

    1. Improve brand loyalty: Thank customers personally

    Research by the American Marketing Association showed that there is a correlation between brand loyalty and gratitude.

    It turns out, that a “Thank you” goes a long way.

    Customers that are shown appreciation and gratitude for their business are more likely to become brand advocates and loyal customers.

    Another important thing to note, in order for appreciation to be received more genuinely, it should be personalized with the client’s details as much as possible.

    So, now comes the question: How do you automate personalized “thank you” greetings to new customers?

    paper card with words " thank you"

    Here are two clever ways to show appreciation to customers:

    Send them a personalized “Thank you Tweet”. Use the opportunity to thank your customers by sending them beautiful twitter cards that say “ thank you”.

    👉Here is a tutorial onHow to create personalized “Thank You” Twitter cards.

    Send a personalized email and image whenever a customer fills out a form on Typeform. This provides an opportunity to show your customer that their collaboration is valuable and appreciated.

    👉 Here is a tutorial on How to Send Personalized Welcome Images to Your Typeform Respondents.

    2. Automate your content to work for you

    Make your content work for you, automatically.

    Why is content important? Content solves the questions users are trying to solve when they open up their Google search. As such, high-quality and relevant content has the potential to simultaneously build trust and authority as a brand.

    Bear Tip 🐻 Each client will have their own set of questions, business needs, and situations. Therefore, having a tailored customer journey that provides relevant content is key to providing a smooth experience that generates trust.

    With marketing automation, workflows are triggered when a potential customer fits a set requirement. Once their trigger is alerted, they are entered into a workflow that caters to resolving their problems.

    This is a great opportunity for workflows to introduce content that can help guide the user through their problems. Moreover, the content is tailored to reply to any queries needed and give them the options they may be looking for.

    Here are a few examples of how to automate content:

    1.Email workflows.

    In this case, you will have a contact that has agreed to receive certain promotional material.

    By understanding what initially caught their attention (which form they filled), you can then send the prospect personalized emails to understand which CTA’s catch their attention, and through that send emails that are relevant and helpful to their business quest.

    In this case, your content will act as your biggest sales pitch for you. In fact, your content will be nurturing your lead with helpful options and comparisons that introduce new ideas

    👉 How to add personalized images to your Mailchimp campaigns

    2. Content campaigns.

    Use lead magnets such as ebooks or industry reports as an outreach strategy to segmented audiences. Once the potential lead has signed up to receive the content, you will be able to deepen the conversation by offering further helpful content.

    The aim is to provide content that is relevant and that continuously has a CTA that provides additional resources or product solutions.

    Once your automation is set up, it will be helpful to understand which content works, and which content could be improved. Moreover, you will be able to calculate the average “content touch-points” required to convert a marketing lead to a sales lead, and eventually to a customer.

    3. Webinar leads.

    Webinars are a great tool to share content, broaden brand awareness, and ultimately capture leads.

    Here is an example of how you could use content to automate the workflow:

    CRM tools such as HubSpot are great ways to automate the customer journey through segmented audience lists.

    3. Automate newsletter content

    Newsletters are a powerful medium to keep your audience segments engaged. On one side, newsletters can be used for promotional activities and campaigns. In this case, new products and offers are shown to a relevant audience.

    On the other hand, newsletters add value to the brand, by emphasizing the brand's importance and offering stronger exclusivity, creating a community with intentional offers to members.

    However, keeping up to date with numerous newsletters can be very time-consuming and repetitive. As such, using an automation workflow to help create newsletters and save time, and provide personalized newsletters for every customer base.

    Here are some tips to succeed in an automated newsletter workflow:

    • Send blog content that is helpful to their needs, or product offers that are in alignment with the buyer’s intent.
    • Cater newsletters that are in alignment with the client's lifecycle.
    • Keep an eye out for open rates and CTA metrics. By doing so, you will be able to understand which content is delivering better results, as well as understanding what your audience needs.

    Women working on a table with notebook and laptop

    4. Promote new content on social media platforms

    Social media is a great resource to drive traffic to your website.

    Routine publications like new blogs, can be distributed using a predefined template. Essentially, with automation, once the new blog has been updated a trigger will be sent to publish the blog onto the different social media channels.

    👉How to Autogenerate Images for New Ghost Posts (Step by step tutorial)

    👉How to Auto Generate Dynamic Open Graph Images in Hubspot with Simple URLs

    👉How to Auto Generate Open Graph Images in WordPress

    Likewise, updating new products, especially for e-commerce can be time-consuming and repetitive. However, with automation predefined templates with data modifications can autogenerate images to promote new products on social media.

    👉How to Auto Generate Social Media Graphics for your New Shopify Products

    Screen with social media icons

    Thoughts on using marketing automation

    Marketing automation is a powerful resource to help companies scale, saving time and resources.

    Although it can be daunting to kick off the automation and set up the workflows, the initial time is worth the benefits it offers. Moreover, once the trigger has been set, and the content has been created, the rest takes care of itself.

    About the authorTamryn Mounier@TamrynMounier
    Tamryn specializes in inbound marketing for High-growth SaaS start-ups. She is interested in the role technology plays in business development and social integration.

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    4 Helpful B2B Marketing Automation Hacks to Scale Your Business
    4 Helpful B2B Marketing Automation Hacks to Scale Your Business